Ferring Fertility Contest
Client: Ferring Fertility The Brief: Ferring Fertility has run an annual contest for users of their products to tell their stories of pregnancy for several years. They had users submit paper forms and printed photographs by mail up until 2013 when the website was redesigned. The client wanted to move the contest application process online as … Continue reading “Ferring Fertility Contest”

RemiPlus Website and Tablet app
The brief The makers of REMICADE wanted to create a new consumer-oriented website focusing on the needs of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis patients along with a parallel site for healthcare professionals treating those patients.
RemiPlus: Symptom Tracker
Client: Janssen REMICADE One of the features requested during the RemiPlus design phase was an online symptom tracker based on the MDHAQ (HAQ = Health Assessment Questionnaire) on the left that is often used by physicians to track their patients’ progress.
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